A sticky situation
One of our most common requests is to print our notepads as sticky notes rather than peel-off sheets of paper. We totally get this – being able to stick your daily schedule to your monitor ensures that you'll actually look at it. It also means that you can stick items into notebooks for safe keeping without having to rummage around the supply cupboard for a pritt-stick.
Personally, I love sticky-notes. I use them religiously to make notes in library books when I'm writing essays. I used to use them in work notebooks to add a pop of colour to otherwise dull pages. And being a startup we obviously use them on walls to make awesome kanban boards.
Unfortunately the numbers are not on our side. Our printer can only print sticky notes up to A7 size, and they cost seven times as much to manufacture as our non-sticky notepads. So what are the options?
One idea we've experimented with was making stickers to put in notebooks. Specifically designed for bullet journal addicts, these broke up our PaperThink notepad sections into three different stickers ('frog', 'priority' and 'any other business'). These printed really well however didn't have the uptake we'd hoped. Sticking stickers into a notepad doesn't really give the same experience of being guided through planning your day as the original notepad did.
Another option is to print the notepads as labels instead of notepads. Getting this done at our choice printer would be ludicrously expensive at £2 per A4 sheet, however we could do it in-house for about four times the regular cost of a notepad. The downside would be that in order to be able to write on the labels we'd have to print on avery sheets, and we can only print in black and white. Not really the premium look we're going for. The labels would also be permanently adhesive, so don't go sticking these around the office. Notebooks only.
The best option we've come up with so far is to pin up the sheets you want on permanent display. If you have a whiteboard you can use magnets. If you have a corkboard you can use pins. Our favourite solution is to use 'gripping stuff'. Rather than coating each piece of paper you want to stick with adhesive, this felt is coated with the stuff instead. You can stick a piece to a wall/computer/window to give you a long-term semi-adhesive surface.
You can buy gripping stuff sheets from their website: http://www.grippingstuff.com/